Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Why a gray REFLECTION?

I could have chosen a different color, a livelier one.

Or I could have chosen the more formal color of black, like the first cover I designed. It has more personality… character… attitude!

But why did I choose gray for REFLECTION?

I was really vent on sticking it out with color black – dark, just like some of my poems are. But as I was designing the layout, for some reasons, the combination of the color of the text and the background didn’t appear right to me.

I tried other colors. Nothing appealed to me.

Gray was a last option.

And it felt nice – the REFLECTION appeared fine to me.

So, I choose it.

All I need now is to justify my choice, just in case someone asks.

I need something profound… symbolical… and then, it dawned on me.

There was never really no black or white in my life… there were only pale colors. Sure, there were happiness, there were memorable moments… but that’s all they were… moments… short, brief moments.

I cannot say that forlorn was prominent either. You know what they say, “it happens to the best of us.”

So choosing black would be an injustice.

Therefore, the choice for gray was justified – it was neither black nor white, just right in-between. A not-so-balanced combination of everything… nothing prominent, just enough ingredients to taste the bitter, the sweet, the salt, and the bland – it’s all there!

So that’s it! Just in case somebody asked me.

But at the back of my mind I know, “I just love how it turned out

Maybe I do have a bland taste.

1 comment:

Euri said...

Very interesting blog :)