Thursday, July 30, 2009
repackaged identity
do you think that I'll just give it to you?
I'm not selfish, just want to state my claim
that I'm still the master in this game
got my army armed, raring and ready
some are repackaged too, can you see?
sorry to get your hopes so high
now it's time say your goodbye
oh, don't bother coming back next year too
cause I'll just get repackaged... yes, it's true
July 30, 2009
11:58 PM
Angeles City
Monday, July 27, 2009
Friend... where are you?
But hard as it is to accept, there is one event that caused me to be envious about my blogging buddy Jan. Yes, I envy him. Not because he writes better and engaged more readers, I can live with that. I’m happy just be riding in his winds.
I envy Jan because he found his old friend… or rather, his friend found him, which makes it even more envious.
The last time I had correspondence with my friend was in 2005 I believe, if not earlier. After that, I never heard from her again… and I swear to God I made attempts to reach her… but she never replied.
I felt abandoned.
I tried to brush off the feeling, because I know she is not that kind of a friend.
She used to be there always… and I mean always. I don’t even have to call… I don’t even have to speak… she was the only friend who knew me.
“if I can’t understand my friend’s silence, how can I understand his words?”
That line was highlighted in the book that she gave me… true enough, she knows my pains even before I tell them… I don’t even have to say a word.
I can be crazy… I can loosen up and be a kid once again… she can see through the tough, non-smiling profile that nobody would even dare to be close to, and find the ticklish spot
But that was then…
When I was at my lowest… without a job and without a hope… she can’t be reached… she can’t be found.
I can only wish that she was reading this post now… I can only wish that it could reach her… but it’s just that… a wish…
I’m sure she have heared of my wife’s demise, she knew her condition… I thought she would show up… show sympathy at least… but she didn’t.
There could be a reason…. which honestly I don’t understand until now.
Yes, it was a long time since Jan’s post about his friend and I could have forgotten about it… but I was reminded again… when Jena asked, “should friendship be for life? “
Shouldn’t it be?
Don’t get me wrong, lest my friends now misinterpret me… your friendships are very much appreciated, but I’m sure you understand how it feels when you long for that special friend…
…the only friend who really knows the real me.
Friday, July 24, 2009
You don't love me anymore
listen and enjoy...
Monday, July 20, 2009
The Invasion
Invade the earth enslave us all humans
Getting to us where we least expect them
Cunning and sly as the plan is carried
They want our planet earth, they want it bad
We think we’ll find them strange faces and all
But that’s not how they will invade the earth
They know we are smart, they’ll think beyond that
But instead they turn to lifeless objects
Turning them against us, isn’t that mad?
They’re two steps ahead, they know we'll shut them
So they did not change form, not a li’l bit
Now we can’t detect them, yet things happen
They do things we can’t even comprehend
And where did they start? At Jena’s keypads.

Jenanian verse
July 20, 2009
5:43 PM
Angeles City
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Willing to face any challenge
No signs of weakness…
Not even the toughest foe
Can neither hurt nor scratch
No force strong enough
To make him feel frightened
Amidst adversities
He stand tall… tough
The aura of strength
Overpowers any threat
Inside… it’s all lies
July 14, 2009
Angeles City
Monday, July 13, 2009
WOOF Contest winners July 10, 2009
Dragon Blogger – “Late Afternoon Nightmare” - A poem about trying to catch an afternoon nap which only ends in a nightmare.
Roy – “unpoetic” - Senseless lines... or are they?
Zorlone – “Blank page” - "Such a true prose, the "process" is as you describe. The blank page a canvas for thoughts and inspiration, ready to pour out from within." Eric S.
Zorlone – “Just another bus commute” - "...That chance may never come again..but then... I'm sure somewhere down the road, you'll finally meet your princess." - JenaIsle
Fiction / Prose / Memoir
Roy – “The Short Story Blogger” - A blogger... his life... his stories...
(WOOF participants should re-post all the links above by next Monday. The following links may be excluded as long as you include all the above links.)
Presenting the finest of the writer’s blogs by the bloggers who write them. Highlighting the top posts as chosen by the July 10, 2009 WOOF Contest participants. Want in to join the next WOOF? The next contest ends July 17. Submit a link to your best writing post of the last 3 weeks using the form on this page. Participants, repost the winning link list within a week and you’re all set.
Other WOOF Contestants for 07/10/09
Fiction / Prose / Memoir
Jennifer M Scott – “Cinnamon French Toast” - How making french toast spawns a memory or two.
Webbielady – “The Fish Is Caught From Its Mouth” - Indeed, the fish is baited in the mouth, thus, to keep quiet sometimes gives us safety.
Roy – “He is still the same son after all...” - Rediscovering my long lost relationship with my son...
Jennifer M Scott – “Haiku Series 19” - A series of haikus based on a variety of subjects.
Jennifer M Scott – “Waterlily” - A surreal poem and it includes another picture drawn by me.
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Let us see... better that is
"As for quality, I think we can't go wrong because we've seen Zenni Optical on TV!!! And with a good review to boot from an article called High Five to Zenni Optical from Rant Rave blog. Now, tell me, are you going to admit that you need an eyeglass now?"
George puts down the newspaper he's reading, "Excuse me honey, were you saying something? Kindly speak louder please. You know I have hearing problems!"
Monday, July 6, 2009
have I given it all?
have I been too open
or have I been too close?
have I been chasing too many dreams
or have I been too confusing?
have I spoken too loud?
have I whispered too low?
that all of my words echoed in the wall
haven’t I cared enough
or haven’t I loved enough?
haven’t got any answer
haven’t got any sense
have I been a fool?
too long.
October 11, 1991
1:15 PM
Angeles City
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Jack learned his lesson... and then some
It was Jack, his next-door neighbor, having a leisure breakfast with his wife Bernadette in their garden.
"Hey buddy! Looks like you're not mowing anymore, and what a neat garden you have!" said Wilfred.
"Of course, I followed your advice buddy! I called the number you gave me, and now, I'm no longer a lawn-mowing slave," replied Jack with a grin.
"And not only that, I had my house renovated too! But instead of trying to do it by myself, like I always do - I called VanRossun Contracting & Consulting, a great Austin remodelling contractor to do the work for me! Like what you told me, I don't need to do everything by myself."
"That's nice buddy," said Wilfred, "but why would you want to renovate your house? It looks fine to me, I honestly don't think it needs any repair."
"Well, we need to make room for the new baby buddy!" replied Jack, as he gently caressed Bernadette's tummy.
"I'm happy for you buddy! Congratulations to you two!" as he shakes the hands of the couple.
"Thanks, " said Jack, and continued "and I owe it all to you buddy!"
"Me?" asked the puzzled Wilfred, "what have I got to do with that?"
"Remember telling me to free myself so I can spend 'quality time' with my wife?" said Jack, with a wink.