Friday, May 29, 2009
One-words: death
May 29, 2009
6:25 PM
Angeles City
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
WOOF Contest Winners for April 22, 2009
Dragon Blogger – “A Moment Spend For Me Alone” - Poem about a suicidal person's last moment.
Christable Anon – “myth” - The myth of life naked in the cold of December...
Zorlone – “Padyak” - "Escape is on thoughts of so many. If they are lucky to know a different life they can dream of it and try to take action. We don't really know how badly people want to escape until we see that ourselves or live that experience."-Alexandra Garland
Jennifer M Scott – “Elemental” - I went camping this past weekend and this is what I wrote.
About Writing
Izzy Daniels – “Remaining Consistent is Key To good Writing” - Why consistency is important, and how we can go about find ways to set up goals for ourselves to remain consistent.
Script / Short Story
Roy – “The Strongest Link” - A short script I wrote for my son's classroom presentation.
Jena Isle – “Go Home Yankees” - A story about an uncommon friendship.
Brought to you by PlotDog Press with the Serial Suspense Screenplay "Intervention"
(WOOF participants should re-post all the links above by next Monday. The following links may be excluded as long as you include all the above links.)
Presenting the finest of the writer’s blogs by the bloggers who write them. Highlighting the top posts as chosen by the May 22, 2009 WOOF Contest participants. Want in to join the next WOOF? The next contest ends May 29. Submit a link to your best writing post of the last 3 weeks using the form on this page. Participants, repost the winning link list within a week and you’re all set.
Other WOOF Contestants for 05/22/09
About Writing
Izzy Daniels – “Finding Time to Write in Our Busy Lives” - Here are some creative ways to get the creative juices going, and keep them flowing which can sometimes be hard to do.
Izzy Daniels – “Using Google Reader to Improve Your Writing” - How to use google reader to better your reading, and writing skills.
Roy – “For The One Who Walks In The Dark” - A short welcome poem I wrote for a new blogger friend.
mysticdave – “Memories” - Paint my memories the color of dreams, shade them with nuances,......
Dragon Blogger – “Salon Heroes” - Poem dedicated to everyone who has ever received a bad haircut or had to deal with the people who have.
Albert Ashok – “Still Life” - All that is still and time can not heal.
unknownwriter49 – “Cheap Scotch and Stale Cigarettes” - A slice of life.
Monday, May 25, 2009
Friday, May 22, 2009
i thought i was tough
but life is tougher
i thought i was strong
but life is stronger
'times i managed to push back
then life pushes back again... even harder
don't see this coming to an end
no, not from where i stand
i thought i was tough
after all that i've been through
then to my surprise
life dishes out something new
will i ever see this end?
i don't think so
not from where i stand
November 25, 2004
12:10 PM
Angeles City
Thursday, May 21, 2009
I'm A Bad Liar
I am dandy, I feel grand
I earn my keeps, with lots to spare
In the littlest time, that I must tell
While others toil and break their back
I recline on my chair with feet so high
Sipping from my cup the perfect blend
Of freshly brewed coffee, it’s just so swell
This blogging thing is really fine
Just like picking diamonds from a shallow mine
Wouldn’t you wish it could be you?
I see you turn green in envy too
Oh, believe all the richest it brings
Money harvested on this blogging thing
May 21, 2009
6:11 PM
Angeles City
Sunday, May 17, 2009
For The One Who Walks In The Dark

from the dark side he walks
as his sword cuts with light
he stands in front of the council
who were awed by his mere stance
no words spoken, no sounds were heard
but the humming of the light from his sword
council looks into each other's eyes
while silence still lingers amidst
silence he can longer bear
saber light roars as he raised his hand
Yoda rises, motioned him to stop
"in the dark, you no longer are... in the light, you are now with us"
May 18, 2009
2:45 PM
Angeles City
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Stress buster
"Come on! Let's do something in the real world!" he would always say to me.
He's been bugging me for months now to join him in paintball events, and I think I'll go with him just so he would stop bothering me. Because I really don't think he'll stop until I give in.
I researched about it on the net and found it to be really interesting. I found some great paintball online stores as well. One particular paintball online store that caught my attention was the Ultimate Paintball site, because they got all those realistic equipments and other stuff there.
I can't wait for my orders to arrive, so I can finally shoot my pestfriend whose been bugging me.
Monday, May 11, 2009
WOOF Contest winners for May 8
Fiction / Short Story / Flash Fiction
Zorlone – “Insanity Road” - An Urban Legend about the outcome of trespassing a private road.
Webbielady – “Isn't Life Supposed To Be Meaningful?” - He was in the process of taking his own life... he's ready to die until some strange melody played over the air that made him do something....
About Writing
Izzy Daniels – “5 things you should learn before starting a blog” - Some beginning bloggers have a view common ideas that they think blogging is linked to. In this post, I let people know how to avoid these common issues.
Writing Nag – “A Perfect Day” - Can writing about what you want make it happen? Writing with intention and writing about your perfect day.
Christable Anon – “Memories” - Where did moths steal their wings from?
Dragon Blogger – “Honorless Man” - Rhyming poem made from random words about a man living a double life.
Jennifer M Scott – “four horsepowered heart” - A surreal poem includes a drawing by as well, welcome to my weird world.
Roy – “Man... I am” - A poem about why real men shouldn't hide their own emotions...
(WOOF participants should re-post all the links above by next Monday. The following links may be excluded as long as you include all the above links.)
Presenting the finest of the writer’s blogs by the bloggers who write them. Highlighting the top posts as chosen by the May 8, 2009 WOOF Contest participants. Want in to join the next WOOF? The next contest ends May 15. Submit a link to your best writing post of the last 3 weeks using the form on this page. Participants, repost the winning link list within a week and you’re all set.
Other WOOF Contestants for 05/08/09
Fiction / Short Story / Flash Fiction
Jennifer M Scott – “A Portrait of Two Sisters” - A story of jealously and sisters.
Dragon Blogger – “Lord of Pain” - What can I say, a poetic interpretation over someone’s misery.
Christable Anon – “A room for Messie” - About every teenage girl who see her life in a mess yet love it the way it is...
Siddhartha Banerjee – “Stranger” - A traveler's tale.
Gaurav Saxena – “The evening pair” - Man who looks at the world through the spectacles of love.
~willow~ - “... what goes around, comes around?" - A ruler expresses his displeasure, and metes out some apt justice.
Gabriel Gadfly – “Teetering” - Teetering on the border between good and evil.
Zorlone – “Recovery” - There are times we get lured by the broken promises of addiction. Yet, we struggle to rise above it and move on with what was left f the life it stole from us.
Jennifer M Scott – “Such is Our Story” - A poem of focusing on dreams with a cold heart and tears to get the sugar.
Jennifer M Scott – “Saunter and Sashay” - I wrote this poem after a bad day at work with someone she acts like she is god and I should bow down before yeah freaking right.
Jena Isle – “A Gentle Touch” – What would be the gentlest of touch?
Non-Fiction / Prose
Ranjinap – “Social Bookmarking Websites to Blogger or Any Websites” - Proper Social Bookmarking plays key role in Blogging Success.
Congratulations to all the winners!
Sunday, May 10, 2009
How do you celebrate Mother's Day... without the mother?
I bet it is, although it would look weird, or outright ridiculous...
to celebrate a Mother's Day with the mother.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Man... I am
Refrain me not from my own feelings,
Do not be deceived by my physique,
For I am still vulnerable.
I'm not made of rock and steel
I am of flesh with heart that beats.
True blood runs in my veins
So I can love, so I can feel.
I can be tough, I can be soft,
As I am not afraid to die,
I'm not also ashamed to cry,
For I am man.... mortal.
December 11, 1989
Angeles City
Monday, May 4, 2009
WOOF Contest winners for May 1
Roy – “I have a hole in my socks....” - Concealing what's inside with smile... like a sock with a hole...
Zorlone - “The Modern Hercules” - Do you desire the perfect body? Then you have just surrendered to the vanity of the demon within you.
Christable Anon – “For my Brown Boy..” - Brown surrealism... a collage of thought process..
Sourik Banerjee – “Somewhere The Artist Still Remembers...” - This poem is a tribute to the enigmatic evening that the poet had spent with his ladylove for the first time...
Dragon Blogger – “Traffic Jam” - Traffic Jam, a unique poem of love.
About Writing
Alex McGaughan – “Things Every Poet Should Know #1, “No-Nos”” - This is the first installment of a series offering advice to poets. This one is a discussion of some "crimes" often committed by novice poets.
Izzy Daniels – “Blogging or Writing…What is More Important?” - Sometimes we tend to walk a fine line between blogging and writing. I do my best to highlight the differences.
Fiction / Monologue / Flash Fiction
Webbielady – “Confessions of a Devoted Sinner” - How distracted he was and so he decided to take his concerns to the Highest Being...
Jena Isle – “Mickey” - A story of a young boy who played video games.
Brought to you by PlotDog Press with the Serial Suspense Screenplay "Intervention"
(WOOF participants should re-post all the links above by next Monday. The following links may be excluded as long as you include all the above links.)
Presenting the finest of the writer’s blogs by the bloggers who write them. Highlighting the top posts as chosen by the May 1, 2009 WOOF Contest participants. Want in to join the next WOOF? The next contest ends May 1. Submit a link to your best writing post of the last 3 weeks using the form on this page. Participants, repost the winning link list within a week and you’re all set.
Other WOOF Contestants for 05/01/09
Dragon Blogger – “Future Flash” - A poem about a grim potential future.
Dragon Blogger - “Mutant Graduation” – Random twitter poem inspired by x-men, even mutants graduate from school.
Dragon Blogger – “Where Has Love Gone” - Poem about relationship trouble and believing in a better end.
Jennifer M Scott – “Arson” - A poem not about arson or is it?
Jennifer M Scott – “A Summer Night in Spring” - The feeling of summer in a spring night.
Non-Fiction / About Blogging
Jena Isle – “SEO Sites to Maximize the Exposure of Your Articles” - How to maximize the exposure of your articles in your blogs.
Fiction / Monologue / Flash Fiction
Zorlone – “Difficult to Please” - A flash fiction about a barber in a new neighborhood who has been having a hard time getting customers. Find out why...
Jennifer M Scott – “Red Velvet Box” - An eccentric woman bequeathed her belongings to her niece including one of her special treasures.
Jennifer M Scott – “Saturday Night Decisions” - A story in exactly 100 words about an alcholic what does he do, make your own ideas.
Jennifer M Scott - “Dell and Patsy” - A writing prompt about a mother and daughter and the mother's obsession with weight.
well... this is a first for me...
The cost of peace of mind
"Hey! Johnny!" it was too late, Dave already saw him...
"So, what say you on that term life insurance I'm offering you?" Dave asked
"You know I don't believe in insurance Dave" Johnny replied
"Well, I do know that," said Dave "but I also know how much you love your wife and your darling little Catherine..." he continues, "tell me Johnny, how much do you have in your bank now? If you, knock on wood, met an accident today, do you think that your wife and daughter can live with that amount?"
"When you think of it Johnny, we really don't know what lies ahead of us. I know you want the best for your family. But, will always be here? Getting an insurance may not actually be for you, but for your wife and daughter... the only thing that's it in for you here is your peace of mind."
"Now that you put it that way... okay, see me in the office tomorrow" Johnny said, giving up.
"Great decision buddy! I'll be in your office first thing tomorrow morning! And I'll bring you the life insurance quotes so you can choose your plan. Nice talking to you Johnny! See you tomorrow!"
"Okay buddy, tomorrow...." and he whispers to himself, "... I really hate that fast-talker."
Friday, May 1, 2009
Frustrations... accomplishments... frustrations...
But, like a balloon that failed to fly during the hot air balloon festival, my luck went flat. Along with it came the waning of the fervor that used to be... light on the candle flickered... wanting to fade... wanting to escape, in a seemingly ordinary night.
Questions follow, as expected... why? Why hand me a pole that would reach only halfway through the climb? Am I expected to fall along the way?
I thought I was good... I can hide all those anxieties like they were holes in my socks that nobody knows. Eventually, I got tired of doing the thing I love the most... got fed up, I guess. But is that really possible?
Unfortunately, quitting is not an option. Just like a pendulum that never ceases to swing, life has to go on. Despite of all the obstacles that stand before... actually, because of all those obstacles that stand before.
It's like holding a 6 in your hand... would the third card be a 3 or a 4? I don't really need to guess, as what my (un)luck have brought me before, it would be a 4. And it's not because I expected it, it's not because I wanted it... it's because I am the one who is playing.
Complaining? Nah!
It's just me... it's just how I am...
it's my way of life