Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Christmas is just around the corner

Like what I wrote in my other blogs, it's almost Christmas. You can already hear Christmas carols on the radio, on the streets and in the mall. In fact, I'm playing one right now on my computer. I am really excited for Christmas this year, I'm excited for my kids, that is. Last year was a so-so holiday for them... well, because I was 'under the weather' so to speak. But this year, I really plan to make it up with them and make this Christmas special.

No big extravagant plans really. Just something that is intimate and personal for us family. Of course, it goes without saying that I'm going to buy them gifts, and since they are still young, definitely toys will not be absent on the list, I'll be buying each one of them toys. Heck, I'll even buy a toy for myself.

And for my growing Ralph, maybe I'll give him a perfume. Both he and Edgar have been using mine as of late, and you'll never imagine how much perfume they put on their body. Aahhh, teens. One time, I even run out of perfume that I used an aftershave cologne for myself. Really, I have to keep stock.

And my young lady? I know she would appreciate flowers... and candies, and clothes, and pins, and accessories, and... just kidding. My Angel is not really materialistic. She's a sweet little girl. She would be delighted with a book about crafts. She love doing crafts.

I'm really hyped up and all excited. Not all for those gifts ideas, but it is one of those rare occasions where I can really motivate myself to cook 'real' food for my kids. You know, not just the instant and fried type. And of course, our traditional family Christmas party... I wonder, if my boys would have 'special guests' this year?

Yes, Christmas is just around the corner. I can almost smell it.

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