Friday, December 25, 2009
I finally bought myself reading glasses
I finally did the inevitable.
Yesterday, I bought myself reading glasses.
I delayed it as much as I can, but frequent headaches which turned me into a pill-popping addict lately, dictate that I really needed to go easy on my eyes.
Being 41, and with almost 20 hours of my daily waking hours being glued in front of the computer, has really taken its toll on my sight.
It was long overdue, actually.
I was already prescribed reading glasses six years ago. But being prudent (read: cheapskate), the P1,500 eyeglasses was way too much for me. And I really believed then (or was it denial?) that there's nothing wrong with my eyes.
Still, I didn't take the precautionary measures. So I guess, I deserve this.
Honestly, I am not wearing my eyeglasses now as I write this post. That's how stubborn I am. I wore it for a while, but I am not really comfortable with something hanging on top of my nose.
In the days to come, I know I'll be wearing it more often though.
And NO! I don't consider it as my Christmas gift to myself.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
One last Christmas wish...
No, it's not the choo-choo train set I have always wished for since childhood.
My wish is for our dog Benz to be able to walk again.
Benz is an abandoned dog that we saw on the street one September morning as I was taking Angel to school. He was so small then, barely a month old I guess. On my way home, I went to where we saw him and brought him home.
At home, I noticed that he has wounds, more like burnt by cigarette or something, his tail was cut off, and he got thin shaky legs.
Honestly, he doesn't looked cute and cuddly then like how a puppy was supposed to be. Nonetheless, we took care of him and the kids love him.
In his few days with days, he brought us lots of laughter. Not because he was cute or was playing tricks, but he would always bark at my son Ralph while he was preparing his food as if telling him to hurry up.
He was also playful like our first dog Chuchi, but Benz of course has different personality.
I really don't know what happened, but in the last days of October, he can't stand anymore. The last time I saw him standing, his legs were shaking.
Ever since that day, we have given him special attention.
We pick him up to bring him to where his food was, whenever he urinates or 'move his bowel' so he won't get wet and dirty, and to put him in his corner to sleep.
We really don't mind these extra efforts, we're happy with what we're doing. But it really breaks my heart everytime I see him crawl, or when he look up on us, as he lays stationary on his place.
How I really wish I could see him walk again.
Since the day he can't walk, he wasn't the same old feisty little Benz that we know. He seemed to be more silent as the days go by... and I miss him.
If only I could see him walk again, it will be the best Christmas gift for me.
Friday, November 27, 2009
You didn't notice?! I'm not surprise
I was gone
silly me!
what stupidity?!
how can you notice someone
who's not there?!
what a jerk! am I
but yes I was... out
it's not surprising really
that no one bothered to look
but it doesn't matter really
it's just fine
when one's presence
doesn't create an impact
why expect his absence
to make a difference?
it's okay... really
let's just go on...
living our lives...
November 27, 2009
7:11 PM
Angeles City
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
I was a beggar
It’s something that I’m not really proud of, but I was that.
No, I didn’t go to the streets asking everyone I meet for some loose change nor did I knock on every door asking for pity and any amount to spare.
I was at my home, call or texting friends, former officemates, distant relatives, and even new acquaintances, if they can lend me some money so I can take my wife to her dialysis session.
And it was a recurring incident, that I honestly saw myself then as a beggar – for alms, sympathy, and even prayers. I’ve thrown away any inhibition and pride that I have for the sake of my wife.
But while I’ve accepted my fate, I didn’t want to stay with it.
I don’t care about the humiliation, the cold shoulders, the insinuations that I am an opportunist and an abusive friend, and all sorts of words thrown at me, and behind me. I don’t give a damn about what other people think. All I wanted then was for my wife not to miss any session.
And while I beg, I worked. I tried to find ways to help myself.
Sometime I got something, that could tidy us for a few days, but it’s not enough. It doesn’t provide a permanent solution.
What’s funny though, is that every time I stumbled onto something good… every time I get little successes… every time I get a little bit happier… someone would come and try to ‘put me in my proper place’
He would always make me feel that since I was miserable… I should stay miserable.
Now, I am far from the ‘beggar’ that I used to be… too far from being a success, but at least, no longer a beggar.
In my own little way, I managed to stand up, inch by inch… slowly.
Please, let me stand… let me grow… spare me from your negative outlook in life.
I was a beggar… but now, no more.
I don’t want to stay miserable… I REFUSED to stay miserable…
I am struggling, yes… but I am fighting.
Monday, November 9, 2009
and let this blog move
no subject
no theme
no intention
just a short post
to fill
an otherwise
empty blog
Friday, November 6, 2009
Everyone is wiser...
"You need to get a real job"
"You know, you really need to consider marrying again... you need someone to be with when your kids already have their own family"
"You need to move on..."
Why is it that everyone seems to be wiser? Everyone seems to know better.
Telling me how to run my life... like I'm not doing the right thing, or as if I'm not doing anything!
Maybe they meant well... or maybe do know more!
Honestly, these give me doubts on myself... like I don't know how to run my own life.
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Tired of being nerdy
"What's up girlfriend?" Jennifer asked.
"Most of my classmates call me 'Nerdy Samantha' since I wore this eyeglasses," Sam replied.
"Hmm...," Jen looked at her friend, "you do look like a nerd Sam. Hey! Have you tried the $8 Prescription Zenni Glasses?"
"And how could those make me look different?"
"Well, they're stylish and elegant. I bet they'll make look cool instead of nerdy. They have New Arrivals of beautiful stylish frames. The Holiday Fun Eyeglasses, giving you more designs to choose from."
"Holiday? Fun? I hope they don't reindeer antlers or twinkling stars design. I want to look cool, not a dork."
"Oh, Samantha!"
Monday, October 26, 2009
When you force yourself to write
you will
but what would become of it?
would it be something of value?
would it be something with sense?
I'm doing it now
forcing myself to write
amidst this confusion I'm going through
and just right now
I answered my own questions
When you force yourself to write
you will
October 26, 2009
9:57 PM
Angeles City
Monday, October 19, 2009
The sink with more than one drain hole
"What do you mean?" I asked not quite getting what he means.
"The sink has a lot of hole, it causing water to flow all around me!" he replied.
So I checked, and I saw what he meant. The sink indeed has 'extra holes' aside from the drain hole.
"I guess we have to find a better quality undermount stainless steel sink and replace this one, else we'll get flooded everytime we wash here," I said to him.
"You mean, you're going to do the 'replacing' yourself?" Ralph asked, his face full of skepticism.
"Of course not! You know I'm not the handyman type, I'll call my friend right now who's an expert when it comes to installing undermount stainless steel sinks," I replied.
"Whew! I thought..." he quips, with a smile on his face.
I handed him the mop, "In the meantime, mop the floor dry, will you?"
Saturday, October 17, 2009
One-word poetry: Inspiration

Inspirational Thoughts and Stories
from Bloggers All Over The World
Friday, October 16, 2009
Do web directories can really affect your blog's performance?
I know, some of you may think that it is fairly easy submitting to these directories, in fact I have submitted all my blogs, I think. And I was really glad there was even a business web directory where I can submit my business blog - Roysville.
Now, here lies one of my concern. If indeed your blog picked up steam and it gets hits like crazy, where do you attribute such feat? From these web directories or from your really good writing style. Of course, I would personally think of the latter.
Truth to tell, after going to the directory submission sites and submitted your blog, chances are you really forget about and go on with your life. You continue to write in your blogs, posting articles that you think your readers would appreciate, or make passers-by take a second-look and make them stay for a while.
Because that, I believe, is really what you should do - develop your writing skills, find your writing style that your readers can identify you with. While not really wanting to be the best in your category, it would be a nice feeling if you would be considered an authority in your niche.
Web directories are a good tool to help you get the word out on your blog, but it is your writing style that can really make submission to these sites have an effect on your blog's performance. So submit, if you wish... but commit that you will work hard to build your blog so readers will come to you... and stay.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
"You are not Superman!"
you are not Superman!
not even a far cry!
a kryptonite isn't necessary
because everything is your weakness
what made you think that you can do things
beyond your expertise?
you've watched too much McGyver I guess
or are you just dreaming?
no, you're not Superman
you can't do everything
you're only causing mayhem
with your unfounded chivalry
so save your friends from trouble
don't even attempt to be king
you are not Superman
a Bizarro is more it seems
October 16, 2009
10:04 AM
Angeles City
*a self-portrait poetry
Monday, October 12, 2009
First motherhood experience would always bring special memories
You remember that each time you go out with your baby to the shopping malls and department stores, you would always want to buy him or her all the beautiful toys that you see, if only you can afford them. Of course, a pushchair is a necessity, no question about that. Together with your baby's first high chair, the playpen, and all those cute feeding bottles.
I remember when we had our first baby, we always want to capture every moment in pictures. The first steps, the smiles, giggles, and even when he poured his milk all over his face. You always think of it as another beautiful memory that should be captured in pictures. And we're even using the traditional cameras then, you know the film and developing stuff. So it was rather costly too. But it doesn't matter, were saving memories.
Fortunately these days, this was made less expensive with the help of
digital cameras, which allow you to capture as many pictures as you want and just save them all in your computers, or share it easily with your friends and relatives overseas through the Internet. Aahh... technology too has helped a lot in preserving all those beautiful memories.
Indeed, first time motherhood is really the best experience every mother can have. It can shape her as to what kind of mother she will be to her kids. And fathers, you also share with this joy, of course. It is also your first time too.
But don't forget to express your support to your wife... giving her flowers would be a good gesture... aside from taking your turn to look after the baby, of course.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Lord, grant me a listener..
Of joys and of sorrows,
Trapped inside a chamber
A pumping cell within my vessel
Of fears and of anxiety
Of pressures and of pains
It rotates from mind to heart
But never really find its way out
Empty space and only me
Reaching out, but none to touch
Views withheld, feelings kept
And accumulate like a file of trash
To express and to share
Yet, not a single ear bother
In a blank wall, facing
Mumbling, to soothe my feeling
Of truth or of fiction
Of myths or of facts
Ideas… feelings… all hidden
‘Cause no one really care to share
Lord, grant me a listener
November 19, 1988
10:00 PM
Angeles City
Monday, October 5, 2009
WOOF Contest winners October 2, 2009
Fiction / Drama / Short Story
Roy – "I'm sorry, Matthew" - How long must one carry the guilt for something that was done in the past?
Jennifer M Scott – “Best Friends and the Meaning of It” - The beginning of a new series called Dr Simon's Velvet Couch Monologues of Everyday People. In this one September Don confesses she wants to kill her best friend but finds something more important.
Anne Bender – “... the world faded away” - A woman's memory of a morning with her lover.
Jena Isle – “I Survived Raising My Teen” - A memorable episode in my life as a mother. The most challenging "career" in life is being a mother.
Zorlone – “Ideal Teacher” - An example of Jenanian poetry about the essence of a teacher.
Zorlone – “Brick Wall” - Nothing hinders emotions than a cold and unfeeling brick wall.
Roy – “When the flame is dying...” - Do not let hatred burn forever in your heart... it will pass... let it die... let it be... so you can live in peace.
Deeptesh Sen – “An Evening in mercury” - Love in Kolkata.
Brought to you by PlotDog Press with the Serial Suspense Screenplay "Intervention"
(WOOF participants should re-post all the links above by next Monday. The following links may be excluded as long as you include all the above links.)
Presenting the finest of the writer’s blogs by the bloggers who write them. Highlighting the top posts as chosen by the October 2, 2009 WOOF Contest participants. Want in to join the next WOOF? The next contest ends October 9. Submit a link to your best writing post of the last 3 weeks using the form on this page. Participants, repost the winning link list within a week and you’re all set.
Other WOOF Contestants for 10/02/09
Fiction / Drama / Short Story
H. Benjamin Petrie – “A Couple Paragraphs of Sci-Fi War” - A very short description of war in the future.
About Writing
H. Benjamin Petrie – “Why We Would Read Something” - There's two reasons we would read something: i) it's well-written ii) it has an interesting story.
Roy – “Let Go, Let God” - A poem about letting go of past pains, hurts and worries... and letting God take care of all our concerns.
Deeptesh Sen – “Parting at Park Street” - Love drifts away at the crossroads of a throbbing city!
Jennifer M Scott – “Autumn” - A poem about autumn written in acrostic form using the word autumn.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
WOOF Contest winners September 25, 2009
Dragon Blogger – “Paid Passion” - Random Twitter Poem containing 15 submissions is about exactly what the title says.
Roy – “A bird, a cage, and me...” – Sometimes, too much love is not enough... it is too much... it suffocates.
Roy – “Walk on Water” - A poem about faith... about reaching for a dream...
Zorlone – “Archeological Find” - Lyle discovered more than what he expected from an Archeological find.
Brought to you by PlotDog Press with the Serial Suspense Screenplay "Intervention"
(WOOF participants should re-post all the links above by next Monday. The following links may be excluded as long as you include all the above links.)
Presenting the finest of the writer’s blogs by the bloggers who write them. Highlighting the top posts as chosen by the September 25, 2009 WOOF Contest participants. Want in to join the next WOOF? The next contest ends October 2. Submit a link to your best writing post of the last 3 weeks using the form on this page. Participants, repost the winning link list within a week and you’re all set.
Other WOOF Contestants for 09/25/09
H. Benjamin Petrie – “My Ideal Saturday” - A monologue describing an idealised day from within a faltering relationship.
Webbielady – “Tzabilita's Frustrations” - Whose fault is it that I was born fat? The worse part? I grew fat!
Dragon Blogger – “Feeding a Toddler” - Humorous poem dedicated to parents everywhere.
Jennifer M Scott – “Living, Breathing, Lonely” - About finding something to fill loneliness on the Internet.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
When the flame is dying...
Don’t do anything
That can set it on fire again
Be still
Be careful and be wary
For a dying flame
Can be easily set ablaze
A wind blown the wrong way
Soft whispers too
Even a tiny flint can set it
When the burning has stopped
Be still and be thankful
No need fighting back
There’s no more threat
So when the flame is dying
Just let it be…
Let it die… let it fade…
Let go
September 23, 2009
10:50 AM
Angeles City
Christmas is just around the corner
No big extravagant plans really. Just something that is intimate and personal for us family. Of course, it goes without saying that I'm going to buy them gifts, and since they are still young, definitely toys will not be absent on the list, I'll be buying each one of them toys. Heck, I'll even buy a toy for myself.
And for my growing Ralph, maybe I'll give him a perfume. Both he and Edgar have been using mine as of late, and you'll never imagine how much perfume they put on their body. Aahhh, teens. One time, I even run out of perfume that I used an aftershave cologne for myself. Really, I have to keep stock.
And my young lady? I know she would appreciate flowers... and candies, and clothes, and pins, and accessories, and... just kidding. My Angel is not really materialistic. She's a sweet little girl. She would be delighted with a book about crafts. She love doing crafts.
I'm really hyped up and all excited. Not all for those gifts ideas, but it is one of those rare occasions where I can really motivate myself to cook 'real' food for my kids. You know, not just the instant and fried type. And of course, our traditional family Christmas party... I wonder, if my boys would have 'special guests' this year?
Yes, Christmas is just around the corner. I can almost smell it.
WOOF Contest winners September 18, 2009
Jennifer M Scott – “Thrill of the Kill” - A woman is a hunter but there is a happy ending. This is intended for mature readers.
Zorlone – “Overflowing” - It started out as an acceptable social norm, but like most people, you were overwhelmed. Your alcohol addiction consumed you.
Roy – “Death Beckoned” - Youth asking for death to fall on him...
Dragon Blogger – “Strange Little Mouse” - Humorous child poem about a new wild pet.
About Writing
Heather Kephart – “Holly Jahangiri” - This interview with the plucky Hellcat known as Holly Jahangiri is the first in what will be a series of interviews with people passionate about writing.
Fiction / Short Story
Anne Bender – “A Vision of Yesteryear” - A memory sparked by an image.
H. Benjamin Petrie – “In the Sea” - A man with his wife at the beach thinks about the sea as he watches a girl swim.
Brought to you by PlotDog Press with the Serial Thriller Web Novel "Dead Play"
(WOOF participants should re-post all the links above by next Monday. The following links may be excluded as long as you include all the above links.)
Presenting the finest of the writer’s blogs by the bloggers who write them. Highlighting the top posts as chosen by the September 18, 2009 WOOF Contest participants. Want in to join the next WOOF? The next contest ends September 25. Submit a link to your best writing post of the last 3 weeks using the form on this page. Participants, repost the winning link list within a week and you’re all set.
Other WOOF Contestants for 09/18/09
About Writing
Khaye-Mydette Sy Cardenas – “How I Unleashed Writers in My Class” - The writer talks about the challenges in teaching writing to English as a Second language Learners.
Puneet Kaur – “Waiting quietly...” - A simple poem that speaks about hope, wishes and the dreams one holds deep down, of boarding a flight to a different world... Like a bird , a soul is waiting patiently, quietly, hopeful and yet fearful... waiting that someday her prayers will be heard...
Roy – “The Lord of Death has spoken” - My reply to my first poem Death Beckoned...
Zorlone – “In Solitude” - Life continues to ask questions. There are always decisions that had to be made. Sometimes the answer is found through reflections and prayers.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
The Narcissus
Where he was glancing as he take his stride
For he can't help but admire his transparent reflection
On the glass panels of every establishments within
And because he wasn't looking to where he's going
He bumped into another fellow... and how!
Picked himself up from the floor and approached the other man
"You fool! Why don't you watch where I'm going?!"
Our guy continued and went on his way
He can't help but look at his reflection still
But now, he's more conscious of people around him
He doesn't want to be shamed again by the floor
And whom shall he meet inside the mall
But a friend he never saw for quite a while
So he approached him and chatted him up
The poor fellow was not successful to escape
He boasts of his regimen and his discipline
Where he credits his physique and fair skin
The healthy foods that he only devours
And how he'd been mistaken before for a star
The other fellow appear bored and nonchalant
From what his friends has been saying so far
He's known this guy for long, and wasn't surprised
That the only pronouns he knows are I, me and mine
The Narcissus noticed his friends alienated stance
"I'm really sorry, I've been hugging the conversation
of course, I know you have something to say too...
what about you my friend... what can you say about me?"
September 20, 2009
Angeles City
Friday, September 18, 2009
A bird, a cage, and me...
Inside a golden cage
A cage so big enough
For her to fly around within
At first she was happy
Flying within the cage
While singing sweet melodies
To delight her master's ears
But then after some time
She began to be sad
She no longer fly around
Within the golden cage
And so I wondered why
She became unhappy
When caring, she was given
And love, she was endowed
One day, I saw her
Looking outside the cage
Seeing other birds
Flying around... and free
So then, I decided
To open the golden cage
Holding her in my hands
She started to fly
I've never seen her so happy
Flying around the trees
And sitting on its branch
Took one last look at me
Then she began to fly
And she flew so high
'til she's out of my sight...
Or, was it tears in my eyes?
Alone, there I stand
Beside my golden cage
A cage though full of beauty
Yet quiet and empty
Beside my golden cage, I waited
Looking at the sky
Hoping that my bird
Will someday return...
December 15, 1990
11:46 AM
Angeles City
*another poem from my youth...
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
WOOF Contest winners September 11, 2009
Dragon Blogger – “The Greatest Meal” - Poem inspired by 15 random words about the best meal ever made.
Zorlone – “Awakening” - A glimpse of a version of the future seen in a dream.
Jennifer M Scott – “The First Day” - A poem to commemorate my daughter's first day of school.
Roy – “Your Dad is better than my Dad!" - A story about two boys... and their Dads.
Brought to you by PlotDog Press with the Serial Thriller Web Novel "Dead Play"
(WOOF participants should re-post all the links above by next Monday. The following links may be excluded as long as you include all the above links.)
Presenting the finest of the writer’s blogs by the bloggers who write them. Highlighting the top posts as chosen by the September 11, 2009 WOOF Contest participants. Want in to join the next WOOF? The next contest ends September 18. Submit a link to your best writing post of the last 3 weeks using the form on this page. Participants, repost the winning link list within a week and you’re all set.
Other WOOF Contestants for 09/11/09
H. Benjamin Petrie – “Tactless Housemate Monologue” - A short monologue in which a housemate tactlessly asks to borrow condoms.
Roy – “The War Path” - The discovery of the treachery and hate attacks of someone disguised as a friend...
Jennifer M Scott – “Lucid Thoughts” - More surrealism.
Roy – “Excited for Christmas this year” – The excitement and anticipation of a brighter Christmas for the kids....
Sunday, September 13, 2009
The Lord of Death has spoken
ask for death to fall on you?
Man, you really are a folly
why not wait for your destiny?
Are you running out of your sanity?
That in my rest you disturb me
A foolish person that you are
your wishes are getting too far!
Do you think that I am proud?
Of this duty given by God
Hatred and all indifference
and not given a chance for defense
Now, here you are who ask
which to me is just an easy task
Though I can do what you ask to
your kin will curse me if I do
Go now and continue
live the life given to you
Never again ask for death
for you have a place on Earth
Just go on and let it be
live and follow your destiny
And I'll return when time is due
then, eternal rest be unto you
July 12, 1989
3:10 PM
Sampaloc, Manila
*my reply to my own poem Death Beckoned
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Death beckoned
be it now, while I am young
For if in youth I die, I'll remain
a happy person, free from vain
True, I lived my life in bliss
I tried to keep my life in peace
But it is also the main reason
why I want to leave my young season
For I'd rather leave while I am loved
while I am happy, while I am proud
For then I can keep myself free
from all the evils that await me
While I am young, I am pure
I'm still worthy, I'm still sure
But if I tarry, sin will be done
and another evil I will become
Can't take the fact that I will fall
then I'll be cursed, then I'll be thrown
And those who know will look down
and ridicule me just like a clown
I don't want to live in vain
I'd rather leave while I am sane
In a loud voice, I cry my plea
eternal rest, be unto me
July 11, 1989
8:45 PM
Sampaloc, Manila
Saturday, September 5, 2009
The War Path
Treachery of a friend from the past confirmed
I can only ask why
Perceived pain, or just plain envy?
The war path is clear and wide open
Confrontation on the cowardly act
For all those endless anxieties served
And the countless nights I haven’t slept
Hateful threads spun with venom lies
Of someone hiding in a virtual disguise
With the cloak removed, revealing the beast
I found I live with an enemy within striking distance
This ghost from the past who comes back to haunt me
Each time I gain success or seem to be happy
All these times, I can only ask why
I haven’t caused pain, nor did I even try
The war path invites, it seems logical to trek
And face the coward I even called friend
Should I? Should I not? A decision I must make
Stoop down to his level… and swim with him in his pool of misery.
September 6, 2009
8:15 AM
Angeles City
Monday, August 31, 2009
WOOF Top Picks - August 28, 2009
Fiction / Short Story
Zorlone – “The Night Duty” - A night like any other night at the Emergency Room, but not for Madelin. She is an extraordinary nurse with a generous heart.
Jennifer M Scott – “A Night with Jupiter” - Another surreal poem on life.
Dragon Blogger – “Vagabond Murder” - A dark night where a homeless person's life is taken.
Roy – “This Too Will Pass” - A short poem about holding on...
Brought to you by PlotDog Press with the Serial Suspense Screenplay "Intervention"
(WOOF participants should re-post all the links above by next Monday. The following links may be excluded as long as you include all the above links.)
Presenting the finest of the writer’s blogs by the bloggers who write them. Highlighting the top posts as chosen by the August 28, 2009 WOOF Contest participants. Want in to join the next WOOF? The next contest ends September 4. Submit a link to your best writing post of the last 3 weeks using the form on this page. Participants, repost the winning link list within a week and you’re all set.
Other WOOF Contestants for 08/28/09
Fiction / Short Story
Roy – “So close...” - About a son's search for his mother...
Zorlone – “The rat was a goner” - Finally, a clean house! Find out how a pest was rid of by a determined boy.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
I cried again...
for what reason they surfaced now, I can't fathom
I cried again... and I'm so ashamed of myself
sure I miss my wife, but this is crazy!
I cried again... I really hope nobody sees me
as tears started to race down my cheeks
I cried again... now, when will this stop?
surely, this is not how I want to spend my life
I cried again... only to laugh after a while
cause the reason for my tears, I realized at last!
I was slicing onions, cause I'm cooking dinner tonight
August 27, 2009
10:03 PM
Angeles City
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
For pete's sake! Get yourself eyeglasses!
"Naah! It's just a waste of good money, my eyes are fine," replied George to his nagging wife.
"Fine?! You call kissing the dog and putting me on a leash fine?! Your eyes really has a big problem I tell you!" Wanda continued nagging.
"Okay, tell me then, How You Can Start Spending Smart with a lousy eyeglass. Tell me"
"Well," replied his wife, "there's this $ 8 Rx eyeglasses I've seen on the web from Zenni Optical."
"Zenni Optical?"
"Yes, and they're so fashionable even! Here are My favorite high fashion eyeglasses from the site. I even printed them so you can choose the design."
(Showed him the pictures)

"Hmm... they're not bad looking"
"So... you're going to get a pair of eyeglasses now?"
"Sure... but you have to admit... the leash looks good on you," (chuckles)
"Oh! cut that out!"
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
It has to get worse!
Angel is sick again. She has fever and I haven't got a clue why!
She wasn't rained on. No reason for her to catch fever! What could have caused it this time?! Now, she has to be absent again from school.
Of course, I would take care of her. I just hope the one day rest would do her good. Angel doesn't want being absent from school.
... and I thought that was for the day... but I was wrong, DEAD WRONG!
While waiting for her to wake up, I was doing a task from Blogvertise, and I was very much delighted because it couldn't come at a more appropriate time.
Guess what happened?
After writing the post, as I was about to submit my article, instead of clicking on the "Accept" button, I clicked on the "Decline" button!
Imagine that?!
and I was fully awake and alert at that!
I just threw a good $10 out the window!
... and it really has to get worse!
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
When friends judge friends
That is why when I called someone a friend, I mean it.
I have an idealistic view of friendship, which I believe isn’t really healthy for me. I am deeply affected whenever there’s a rift in the relationship.
It hurts most when friends judge you.
Not for what you did or did not do, but for what they PERCIEVED you did.
You think that as a friend they would come to you upfront and get it straight from you.
I knew I would do that. Friendship is at stake… friendship that I value so much.
But they have no idea of what you went out to do for them. They didn't know... they don't have to.
Friends don't keep score.
Maybe we really have different views, perspective and approach when it comes to friendship and being a friend.
Like I said, I have a very idealistic view when it comes to friendship… and I value it so much.
I don’t betray friends…
Not even if my life depends on it.
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
the wooden cane
but strong and useful
to the young mind... it disciplines
to the aged... it gives strength
to the sightless... it guides
the wooden cane...
lifeless... yet, it cares
September 12, 1989
10:58 AM
Angeles City
*a poem a wrote when after a visit at the church, I met an old couple on my way out... the woman was holding on to his husband, while the man was holding on to his walking stick as he guides his wife...
Thursday, July 30, 2009
repackaged identity
do you think that I'll just give it to you?
I'm not selfish, just want to state my claim
that I'm still the master in this game
got my army armed, raring and ready
some are repackaged too, can you see?
sorry to get your hopes so high
now it's time say your goodbye
oh, don't bother coming back next year too
cause I'll just get repackaged... yes, it's true
July 30, 2009
11:58 PM
Angeles City
Monday, July 27, 2009
Friend... where are you?
But hard as it is to accept, there is one event that caused me to be envious about my blogging buddy Jan. Yes, I envy him. Not because he writes better and engaged more readers, I can live with that. I’m happy just be riding in his winds.
I envy Jan because he found his old friend… or rather, his friend found him, which makes it even more envious.
The last time I had correspondence with my friend was in 2005 I believe, if not earlier. After that, I never heard from her again… and I swear to God I made attempts to reach her… but she never replied.
I felt abandoned.
I tried to brush off the feeling, because I know she is not that kind of a friend.
She used to be there always… and I mean always. I don’t even have to call… I don’t even have to speak… she was the only friend who knew me.
“if I can’t understand my friend’s silence, how can I understand his words?”
That line was highlighted in the book that she gave me… true enough, she knows my pains even before I tell them… I don’t even have to say a word.
I can be crazy… I can loosen up and be a kid once again… she can see through the tough, non-smiling profile that nobody would even dare to be close to, and find the ticklish spot
But that was then…
When I was at my lowest… without a job and without a hope… she can’t be reached… she can’t be found.
I can only wish that she was reading this post now… I can only wish that it could reach her… but it’s just that… a wish…
I’m sure she have heared of my wife’s demise, she knew her condition… I thought she would show up… show sympathy at least… but she didn’t.
There could be a reason…. which honestly I don’t understand until now.
Yes, it was a long time since Jan’s post about his friend and I could have forgotten about it… but I was reminded again… when Jena asked, “should friendship be for life? “
Shouldn’t it be?
Don’t get me wrong, lest my friends now misinterpret me… your friendships are very much appreciated, but I’m sure you understand how it feels when you long for that special friend…
…the only friend who really knows the real me.
Friday, July 24, 2009
You don't love me anymore
listen and enjoy...
Monday, July 20, 2009
The Invasion
Invade the earth enslave us all humans
Getting to us where we least expect them
Cunning and sly as the plan is carried
They want our planet earth, they want it bad
We think we’ll find them strange faces and all
But that’s not how they will invade the earth
They know we are smart, they’ll think beyond that
But instead they turn to lifeless objects
Turning them against us, isn’t that mad?
They’re two steps ahead, they know we'll shut them
So they did not change form, not a li’l bit
Now we can’t detect them, yet things happen
They do things we can’t even comprehend
And where did they start? At Jena’s keypads.

Jenanian verse
July 20, 2009
5:43 PM
Angeles City
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Willing to face any challenge
No signs of weakness…
Not even the toughest foe
Can neither hurt nor scratch
No force strong enough
To make him feel frightened
Amidst adversities
He stand tall… tough
The aura of strength
Overpowers any threat
Inside… it’s all lies
July 14, 2009
Angeles City
Monday, July 13, 2009
WOOF Contest winners July 10, 2009
Dragon Blogger – “Late Afternoon Nightmare” - A poem about trying to catch an afternoon nap which only ends in a nightmare.
Roy – “unpoetic” - Senseless lines... or are they?
Zorlone – “Blank page” - "Such a true prose, the "process" is as you describe. The blank page a canvas for thoughts and inspiration, ready to pour out from within." Eric S.
Zorlone – “Just another bus commute” - "...That chance may never come again..but then... I'm sure somewhere down the road, you'll finally meet your princess." - JenaIsle
Fiction / Prose / Memoir
Roy – “The Short Story Blogger” - A blogger... his life... his stories...
(WOOF participants should re-post all the links above by next Monday. The following links may be excluded as long as you include all the above links.)
Presenting the finest of the writer’s blogs by the bloggers who write them. Highlighting the top posts as chosen by the July 10, 2009 WOOF Contest participants. Want in to join the next WOOF? The next contest ends July 17. Submit a link to your best writing post of the last 3 weeks using the form on this page. Participants, repost the winning link list within a week and you’re all set.
Other WOOF Contestants for 07/10/09
Fiction / Prose / Memoir
Jennifer M Scott – “Cinnamon French Toast” - How making french toast spawns a memory or two.
Webbielady – “The Fish Is Caught From Its Mouth” - Indeed, the fish is baited in the mouth, thus, to keep quiet sometimes gives us safety.
Roy – “He is still the same son after all...” - Rediscovering my long lost relationship with my son...
Jennifer M Scott – “Haiku Series 19” - A series of haikus based on a variety of subjects.
Jennifer M Scott – “Waterlily” - A surreal poem and it includes another picture drawn by me.
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Let us see... better that is
"As for quality, I think we can't go wrong because we've seen Zenni Optical on TV!!! And with a good review to boot from an article called High Five to Zenni Optical from Rant Rave blog. Now, tell me, are you going to admit that you need an eyeglass now?"
George puts down the newspaper he's reading, "Excuse me honey, were you saying something? Kindly speak louder please. You know I have hearing problems!"
Monday, July 6, 2009
have I given it all?
have I been too open
or have I been too close?
have I been chasing too many dreams
or have I been too confusing?
have I spoken too loud?
have I whispered too low?
that all of my words echoed in the wall
haven’t I cared enough
or haven’t I loved enough?
haven’t got any answer
haven’t got any sense
have I been a fool?
too long.
October 11, 1991
1:15 PM
Angeles City
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Jack learned his lesson... and then some
It was Jack, his next-door neighbor, having a leisure breakfast with his wife Bernadette in their garden.
"Hey buddy! Looks like you're not mowing anymore, and what a neat garden you have!" said Wilfred.
"Of course, I followed your advice buddy! I called the number you gave me, and now, I'm no longer a lawn-mowing slave," replied Jack with a grin.
"And not only that, I had my house renovated too! But instead of trying to do it by myself, like I always do - I called VanRossun Contracting & Consulting, a great Austin remodelling contractor to do the work for me! Like what you told me, I don't need to do everything by myself."
"That's nice buddy," said Wilfred, "but why would you want to renovate your house? It looks fine to me, I honestly don't think it needs any repair."
"Well, we need to make room for the new baby buddy!" replied Jack, as he gently caressed Bernadette's tummy.
"I'm happy for you buddy! Congratulations to you two!" as he shakes the hands of the couple.
"Thanks, " said Jack, and continued "and I owe it all to you buddy!"
"Me?" asked the puzzled Wilfred, "what have I got to do with that?"
"Remember telling me to free myself so I can spend 'quality time' with my wife?" said Jack, with a wink.
Sunday, June 28, 2009
One blogger, two blogs - are not the same
the first one's sensitive
the other's aggressive
I read one
couldn't care less about the other
two blogs, one blogger
personalities differ
so I can choose what I like
your opinion doesn't matter
June 28, 2009
6:38 PM
Angeles City, Philippines
*written as is... online
Friday, June 26, 2009
The better father
While mowing, he can't help but notice his next door neighbor Wilfred, happily playing ball with his daughter Jeanna and wife Liza.
When the girls, daughter Jeanna and wife Liza, went inside the house to drink, Jack leaned over the fence and called on his neighbor Wilfred.
"What's up, buddy?" Wilfred said, "finished with the mowing already?"
"You know what? I think I'm beginning to hate you?" replied Jack, with a grin on his face.
"Why is that?" asked his neighbor.
"Here I am, working my butt off in mowing the lawn. I don't even have time to have a leisurely breakfast with my family. Yet, look at my backyard - it's a mess!" said Jack.
He continued, "And there you are playing ball with your family. I haven't seen you touch your garden, and look how beautiful it is. My wife always nag me to make our garden as beautiful as yours, what's your secret?"
Wilfred said, "It's no secret buddy. I owe it all to Austin Landscape Design. They did the landscaping and maintaining of the garden, so I can take my time taking care of my family. You should too, buddy. Give them a call at 512-782-9435 so you can free yourself from the lawn."
"But isn't it expensive?" asked Jack.
"Nah! It's reasonable, buddy. Besides, is the time you are allowed to spend time with your family isn't worth every penny? Try them buddy! You can thank me later," said Wilfred.
Just then, his wife and daughter came out and they continued playing with the ball, while Jack went back to mowing the lawn.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Throw 'em, why don't you?! I'm still standing!
Hey! Look at me! I'm still standing! I can take some more! Yes, give me some more!
Come on! Give it to me!
If you really think I still need to pass all these tests your giving me, then give them, why don't you?!
Don't stop until you see me down and crawling on the ground.
Yes, don't let me rest. That's right. Don't even let me breath!
You're the boss! You can do everything that you like! Come on, give them to me. Don't even for a brief moment allow me to get a taste of fulfillment, success or any happiness, I might only get used to it.
It's not like I haven't done everything to please you. I did. YOU KNOW THAT!
Me, who have always put himself last just because I believed in your golden rule!
Me, who even as a child have avoided everything that will cause you pain... yes! Even to the least of your brothers!
Me, who has been ridiculed and abused, just because I tried to emulate the holiness that you so professed!
You still have to see if I am worth it?!
Go ahead! Give them to me!
Satisfy yourself!
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Even The Slightest Of Wound
Can hurt the toughest of soul
And be in strength abated
And make the spirit low
Even just a whisper of refution
Can a man be lead in labyrinth
And be pulled by angel Apollyon
To his home in Abaddon
Didn't it took just one Waterloo
That scorned his name in history?
The warrior Napoleon Bonaparte,
Once was a fearless man
Even just a shade of apathy
Can make a life forlorn
And ruin the vision of a man
And make him envelope his minds.
May 23, 1991
11:45 AM
Angeles City
Monday, June 15, 2009
WOOF Contest Winners June 12, 2009
About Poetry and Writing
Jena Isle – “Poets and Poems” - Are poets defined by their poems?
Dragon Blogger – “Chance Encounter” - Random word poem about falling in love with a girl who works at a register.
Zorlone – “War Cry” - "To me this is like a tale of the redirection of energy. From one source to another, energy does not go away it is only redirected. That is energy from the electricity of nature, to energy from the electricity of human souls." - Straberry Girl
Jennifer M Scott – “Broken Cacophony” - A journey into the surreal complete with an original picture drawn by me.
Zorlone – “Goodbye” - "Saying goodbye is the hardest thing to do..." - Snow (This is a poetry challenge by Jenn Scott)
Deeptesh Sen – “Angel of the Dark” - Surreal love and fear....and some soft magic!
Webbielady – “Her Garden Has Something” - Her garden is her passion. She did not ask for any return but one day something unexpected came up and she could not believe it!
Brought to you by PlotDog Press with the Serial Suspense Screenplay "Intervention"
(WOOF participants should re-post all the links above by next Monday. The following links may be excluded as long as you include all the above links.)
Presenting the finest of the writer’s blogs by the bloggers who write them. Highlighting the top posts as chosen by the June 12, 2009 WOOF Contest participants. Want in to join the next WOOF? The next contest ends June 19. Submit a link to your best writing post of the last 3 weeks using the form on this page. Participants, repost the winning link list within a week and you’re all set.
Other WOOF Contestants for 06/12/09
Deeptesh Sen – “Boatman and some love songs” - The divine, a girl and a boatman.......the air of surreal tunes.
Roy – “numbed” - a heart turned cold... frozen... numbed... because of a broken trust
Roy – “One-words – Death” - an attempt to sound poetic using only one word per line
Dragon Blogger – “Reflections from on High” – Random word poem about our place in the universe.
Zorlone – “A poet's meal: Oven baked” - "...writing something is like cooking something and then sharing it to your readers. Also, creations do start from dreams which are fueled by inspiration." - Lucrecio Emerito
Dragon Blogger – “Unfinished Book” - A poem challenge to use the words Verbum Me Vocat inspired this poem.
Jennifer M Scott – “Verbum me Vocat” - A poem about writing verbum me vocat means word calls me.
Jennifer M Scott – “cold heat” - A somber poem.
Jennifer M Scott – “When the Lights Go Out” - Hoping for the power to go out because of a thunderstorm.
Jennifer M Scott – “May” - A poem about may in acrostic.
Ferox – “The She-Demon's Anatomy part 2” - Part 2 of an encounter with a she-demon in a fantasy story.
About Poetry and Writing
Izzy Daniels – “How to avoid messing up your post schedule” - This is a post on ideas to prevent messing up your writing schedule.
Izzy Daniels – “How flame can actually benifit you if you use it right” - Most people get hacked off when some flames on their article, but what if you could use the strong critisism to better yourself and you blog? In this post I give you the reasons why keeping flame is actually good for you.
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Music website
The site also have a page for Reason drum kits, and the way I understand, it's like you can record drums arrangement there. Am not sure though, but it sounds cool. I will check it out.
Saturday, June 6, 2009
So here I am, sharing a song that expresses exactly how I felt then... and now....
Five For Fighting
I can't stand to fly
I'm not that naive
I'm just out to find
The better part of me
I'm more than a bird...I'm more than a plane
More than some pretty face beside a train
It's not easy to be me
Wish that I could cry
Fall upon my knees
Find a way to lie
About a home I'll never see
It may sound absurd...but don't be naive
Even Heroes have the right to bleed
I may be disturbed...but won't you concede
Even Heroes have the right to dream
It's not easy to be me
Up, up and away...away from me
It's all can all sleep sound tonight
I'm not crazy...or anything...
I can't stand to fly
I'm not that naive
Men weren't meant to ride
With clouds between their knees
I'm only a man in a silly red sheet
Digging for kryptonite on this one way street
Only a man in a funny red sheet
Looking for special things inside of me
It's not easy to be me
inside of me,inside of me,inside of me
Only a man looking for her dream
It's not easy to be me
Thursday, June 4, 2009
it has nothing
nothing to say
don't read this
I told you that before
where's the zest?
where's the spirit?
dropped it somewhere I guess
I don't know
even too weary to care
nothing else to say
so please... don't read this
June 4, 2009
8:00 PM
Angeles City
Monday, June 1, 2009
WOOF Contest Winners for May 29, 2009
Zorlone – “The Ice King's Vow” - "The message of the poem is slowly unravelled in exquisite lines. First it deals with thoughts and desires, then flows unerringly into the climax/denouement and finally the explosive ending or rather the chilling final lines..." -- JenaIsle
Jennifer M Scott – “Icicles” - A picture poem comparing ice to love.
Roy – “I Thought I Was Tough” - Another poem borne out of frustrations of not being able to beat what life has to dish out tome.
Zorlone – “Shy Guitar” - "Melodious, a story about love and music intertwined." - Strawberry Girl.
Dragon Blogger – “Icy Passion” - Challenged to write a poem about love and comparing it ICE without using the words heart or love, I came up with this poem about "Icy" love.
Ferox – “The She-Demon's Anatomy” - Part one of a demonic confrontation in a fantasy novel.
Webbielady – “What's the True Measure of Intelligence?” - A recent call to two of her friends made Rogue question what is the real meaning of intelligence... Why? Why? How can we tell if a person is really intelligent? Can we really measure this thing?
(WOOF participants should re-post all the links above by next Monday. The following links may be excluded as long as you include all the above links.)
Presenting the finest of the writer’s blogs by the bloggers who write them. Highlighting the top posts as chosen by the May 29, 2009 WOOF Contest participants. Want in to join the next WOOF? The next contest ends June 12. Submit a link to your best writing post of the last 3 weeks using the form on this page. Participants, repost the winning link list within a week and you’re all set.Other WOOF Contestants for 05/29/09
ProseSidney Williams – “What's on the iPod? - Montego Bay” - As I drove through another rainy morning cloaked with a grey, wet blanket, Bobby Bloom's Montego Bay popped up as my iPod shuffled songs.
About WritingIzzy Daniels – “7 Things I Learned in High School that Can be Applied to Writing/Life” - Taking lessons learned from high school and applying them to writing.
PoetryRoy – “I'm A Bad Liar” - A satirical poem about earning money online.
Jennifer M Scott – “Garnet Teardrops” - Inspired by a art created by a fellow blogger.
Dragon Blogger – “You've Got Mail” - Poem crafted from random words about a spam email.
Dragon Blogger – “Strength of Loss” - Memorial Day poem about losing a loved one in the service.
When I Wander – “European Patent Office (EPO) Experience, Cherished” - I have so many good things to tell about my previous colleagues and how I wish I still work with them. Now that I am in another company, all I can do is to thank each of them in a form of poem.
Deeptesh Sen – “Boatman and some love songs” - The divine, a girl and a boatman.......the air of surreal tunes.
Deeptesh Sen – “Angel of dark” - Surreal love and fear....and some soft magic!
Friday, May 29, 2009
One-words: death
May 29, 2009
6:25 PM
Angeles City
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
WOOF Contest Winners for April 22, 2009
Dragon Blogger – “A Moment Spend For Me Alone” - Poem about a suicidal person's last moment.
Christable Anon – “myth” - The myth of life naked in the cold of December...
Zorlone – “Padyak” - "Escape is on thoughts of so many. If they are lucky to know a different life they can dream of it and try to take action. We don't really know how badly people want to escape until we see that ourselves or live that experience."-Alexandra Garland
Jennifer M Scott – “Elemental” - I went camping this past weekend and this is what I wrote.
About Writing
Izzy Daniels – “Remaining Consistent is Key To good Writing” - Why consistency is important, and how we can go about find ways to set up goals for ourselves to remain consistent.
Script / Short Story
Roy – “The Strongest Link” - A short script I wrote for my son's classroom presentation.
Jena Isle – “Go Home Yankees” - A story about an uncommon friendship.
Brought to you by PlotDog Press with the Serial Suspense Screenplay "Intervention"
(WOOF participants should re-post all the links above by next Monday. The following links may be excluded as long as you include all the above links.)
Presenting the finest of the writer’s blogs by the bloggers who write them. Highlighting the top posts as chosen by the May 22, 2009 WOOF Contest participants. Want in to join the next WOOF? The next contest ends May 29. Submit a link to your best writing post of the last 3 weeks using the form on this page. Participants, repost the winning link list within a week and you’re all set.
Other WOOF Contestants for 05/22/09
About Writing
Izzy Daniels – “Finding Time to Write in Our Busy Lives” - Here are some creative ways to get the creative juices going, and keep them flowing which can sometimes be hard to do.
Izzy Daniels – “Using Google Reader to Improve Your Writing” - How to use google reader to better your reading, and writing skills.
Roy – “For The One Who Walks In The Dark” - A short welcome poem I wrote for a new blogger friend.
mysticdave – “Memories” - Paint my memories the color of dreams, shade them with nuances,......
Dragon Blogger – “Salon Heroes” - Poem dedicated to everyone who has ever received a bad haircut or had to deal with the people who have.
Albert Ashok – “Still Life” - All that is still and time can not heal.
unknownwriter49 – “Cheap Scotch and Stale Cigarettes” - A slice of life.
Monday, May 25, 2009
Friday, May 22, 2009
i thought i was tough
but life is tougher
i thought i was strong
but life is stronger
'times i managed to push back
then life pushes back again... even harder
don't see this coming to an end
no, not from where i stand
i thought i was tough
after all that i've been through
then to my surprise
life dishes out something new
will i ever see this end?
i don't think so
not from where i stand
November 25, 2004
12:10 PM
Angeles City
Thursday, May 21, 2009
I'm A Bad Liar
I am dandy, I feel grand
I earn my keeps, with lots to spare
In the littlest time, that I must tell
While others toil and break their back
I recline on my chair with feet so high
Sipping from my cup the perfect blend
Of freshly brewed coffee, it’s just so swell
This blogging thing is really fine
Just like picking diamonds from a shallow mine
Wouldn’t you wish it could be you?
I see you turn green in envy too
Oh, believe all the richest it brings
Money harvested on this blogging thing
May 21, 2009
6:11 PM
Angeles City
Sunday, May 17, 2009
For The One Who Walks In The Dark

from the dark side he walks
as his sword cuts with light
he stands in front of the council
who were awed by his mere stance
no words spoken, no sounds were heard
but the humming of the light from his sword
council looks into each other's eyes
while silence still lingers amidst
silence he can longer bear
saber light roars as he raised his hand
Yoda rises, motioned him to stop
"in the dark, you no longer are... in the light, you are now with us"
May 18, 2009
2:45 PM
Angeles City
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Stress buster
"Come on! Let's do something in the real world!" he would always say to me.
He's been bugging me for months now to join him in paintball events, and I think I'll go with him just so he would stop bothering me. Because I really don't think he'll stop until I give in.
I researched about it on the net and found it to be really interesting. I found some great paintball online stores as well. One particular paintball online store that caught my attention was the Ultimate Paintball site, because they got all those realistic equipments and other stuff there.
I can't wait for my orders to arrive, so I can finally shoot my pestfriend whose been bugging me.
Monday, May 11, 2009
WOOF Contest winners for May 8
Fiction / Short Story / Flash Fiction
Zorlone – “Insanity Road” - An Urban Legend about the outcome of trespassing a private road.
Webbielady – “Isn't Life Supposed To Be Meaningful?” - He was in the process of taking his own life... he's ready to die until some strange melody played over the air that made him do something....
About Writing
Izzy Daniels – “5 things you should learn before starting a blog” - Some beginning bloggers have a view common ideas that they think blogging is linked to. In this post, I let people know how to avoid these common issues.
Writing Nag – “A Perfect Day” - Can writing about what you want make it happen? Writing with intention and writing about your perfect day.
Christable Anon – “Memories” - Where did moths steal their wings from?
Dragon Blogger – “Honorless Man” - Rhyming poem made from random words about a man living a double life.
Jennifer M Scott – “four horsepowered heart” - A surreal poem includes a drawing by as well, welcome to my weird world.
Roy – “Man... I am” - A poem about why real men shouldn't hide their own emotions...
(WOOF participants should re-post all the links above by next Monday. The following links may be excluded as long as you include all the above links.)
Presenting the finest of the writer’s blogs by the bloggers who write them. Highlighting the top posts as chosen by the May 8, 2009 WOOF Contest participants. Want in to join the next WOOF? The next contest ends May 15. Submit a link to your best writing post of the last 3 weeks using the form on this page. Participants, repost the winning link list within a week and you’re all set.
Other WOOF Contestants for 05/08/09
Fiction / Short Story / Flash Fiction
Jennifer M Scott – “A Portrait of Two Sisters” - A story of jealously and sisters.
Dragon Blogger – “Lord of Pain” - What can I say, a poetic interpretation over someone’s misery.
Christable Anon – “A room for Messie” - About every teenage girl who see her life in a mess yet love it the way it is...
Siddhartha Banerjee – “Stranger” - A traveler's tale.
Gaurav Saxena – “The evening pair” - Man who looks at the world through the spectacles of love.
~willow~ - “... what goes around, comes around?" - A ruler expresses his displeasure, and metes out some apt justice.
Gabriel Gadfly – “Teetering” - Teetering on the border between good and evil.
Zorlone – “Recovery” - There are times we get lured by the broken promises of addiction. Yet, we struggle to rise above it and move on with what was left f the life it stole from us.
Jennifer M Scott – “Such is Our Story” - A poem of focusing on dreams with a cold heart and tears to get the sugar.
Jennifer M Scott – “Saunter and Sashay” - I wrote this poem after a bad day at work with someone she acts like she is god and I should bow down before yeah freaking right.
Jena Isle – “A Gentle Touch” – What would be the gentlest of touch?
Non-Fiction / Prose
Ranjinap – “Social Bookmarking Websites to Blogger or Any Websites” - Proper Social Bookmarking plays key role in Blogging Success.
Congratulations to all the winners!
Sunday, May 10, 2009
How do you celebrate Mother's Day... without the mother?
I bet it is, although it would look weird, or outright ridiculous...
to celebrate a Mother's Day with the mother.